Sunday, November 15, 2009

My First Loaf of Fresh Bread

As our love for fresh bread has grown, but the cost has gone up, my sister gave a suggestion for a great book "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day", so I gave it a try! Amazingly it is as easy as it says! So easy, I could even do it!! I am so excited at the results, and to be able to make fresh bread for my family, I cannot wait to try other varieties!! Stay tuned for more pictures =o)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gardening with the kids....

After having dinner with friends of ours who have a fabulous vegetable garden at their home; the kids and I were inspired to try a little gardening on our own! I found these great small pots that came with dirt, seeds and a shovel! The kids helped me plant miniature sunflowers, basil, and zinnias, and as you can see they are really growing!! The kids have just loved helping water the plants and watching them come up and grow a little more each day!! We did have one incident where William pulled one sunflower out and I shouted "you killed it" and he looked at me and tried to re-plant it!! =o) We now supervise him a little more near the plants!