Monday, May 16, 2011

Quinlan 5 months old

Time is flying!! Quinlan is now 5 months old and doing great! He is growing like a weed and enjoying baby food and juice now. He is rolling over and trying to sit up. These are a few pictures of him from this past weekend! Promise to post more soon!

Settling In....

We made it to Quantico!! And in just about one piece!! ;0) We are in our new home and have recieved our household goods. We are mostly unpacked but still need to hang pictures and drapes and do some organizing ;0) Here are a few pictures of hte inside, I need to get some of Lillian and Williams room and the outisde and will post them soon!!

Bill's Change of Command

Bill's Change of Command took place outside of the Officer's Club on Friday May 6th. It was an absolute honor to be a part of the last year with Bill and the kids, and even more so to be there for the end. It was bittersweet to say goodbye for both Bill and I, but as a wise friend said "there is life after battery command" ;0)

Bill's Award Presentation

Friday May 6th Bill was presented with a Navy Marine Corps Commendation Medal for his hard work durring his time as the Battery Commander of Sierra Battery. It was an honor for the kids and I to be there as he was presented with his award and to see him recognized for his hard work and dedication!

Last Week In Lejeune

Lillian and William took their last classes of gymnastics the week before we moved. They both loved their classes and teachers and are excited to find new classes in Quantico!

We finally had family pictures professionally taken