Monday, June 28, 2010

Vegetable Garden

I would be lying if I wasn't shocked at how well our garden is doing!! But we are fully enjoying everything it is giving us! So far we have picked some green beans, which the kids loved! We have 3 HUGE cucumbers growing, 10 tomatoes (2 are in early red stage), we have an orange pepper (although it is currently green but changing colors) and 3 sunflowers that are ginormous!! Our corn, and pumpkins as well as carrots are all doing very well too!! It is very exciting for us and the kids to watch our garden grow and to get to enjoy all it has to offer!!

Father's Day

For father's day a few weeks ago we headed to the beach! We all had a blast! Lillian has definitely gotten over her fear of the waves and headed straight into them! William wasn't so sure but loved digging in the sand and playing in the shallow water. It was definitely a great day

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Lillian and William Swimming from Alexis Soucie on Vimeo.

Swimming, Swimming, Swimming

Today we took the kids to the pool and they had a blast!! They are doing great swimming by themselves with their vests on. They are also jumping into the pool and dunking their heads adn doing great!!

Buzz and Ballerina Eating Dinner

Last week the kids were playing dress-up while I was making dinner; they decided to eat dinner in their dress-up clothes!! ;0)