Saturday, July 16, 2011

Quinlan 7 Months Old

Untitled from Alexis Soucie on Vimeo.

Quinlan 7 Months Old

Quinlan 7 Months Old

Quinlan celebrated his 7 month birthday yesterday. He is doing great growing like a week and eating like a champ. He is sitting up and begining to do the wiggle worm and I have no doubt crawling will be in our near future. He has also found our cats; Pixel has become his favorite and she is a real tropper and tolerates him as long as I am near by.

Strawberry Cupcakes with Dark Chocolate Frosting

I made (yes me, from scratch) strawberry cupcakes with dark chocolate frosting and a few sprinkles on top for a dear friends' birthday. The kids got to help with the sprinkles. I was very happy with how they turned out and they even tasted good!! ;0)

Lillian Riding her Bike with No Training Wheels

Lillian Riding a bike with no training wheels from Alexis Soucie on Vimeo.

Daddy's New Toy

We had been looking for some time for a gently used Rowing machine for some of the workouts Bill and I do and I finally found one! Yeah, I was super excited. As you can see so were the kids who also think it is for them. Lillian is really good at rowing and William, well he is learning!! Haha.

Our Garden

We were not able to do a large scale garden like we did at Camp Lejeune (boo) but we found a way to still have a small garden. We are growing tomatoes, cucumbers and a red and orange pepper. Along with basil and cilantro. We have a handful tomatoes growing that we are patiently waiting to turn red so we can enjoy them! We also have some cucumbers starting to grow, it is very exciting and the kids are a great help watering and taking care of them.

Marine Corps Museum

We went to the Marine Corps Museum on July 4th and had a wonderful time. It is truly a fabulous museum. So well done and with so much great information and to see! The kids had a blast, as you can see and I know we will visit it many more times!

Rock Climbing and William's Big Boy Bed

Bill and I were recently able to get our re-certification for indoor rock climbing so we are now able to belay the kids! They loved it. Lillian excelled and got almost half way up the wall. William did great but really loved just being there! We have also finally got William a realy "Big Boy Bed". I had been searching for quite a while and had not found one I liked. He loves it and is having no problem sleeping in it. He is also loving his new Spiderman sheets.