Saturday, August 29, 2009

Children's Wildlife Refuge Hike

This morning the kids, Bill and I went to the Wildlife Refuge bright and early and participated in their weekly nature hike. It was great! Both kids were able to walk on their own, although William needed a little help on the hilly/rocky parts and the whole hike was about a half a mile long. Lillian was a pro doing it all on her own and enjoying it all the way! Afterwards we enjoyed a great breakfast at a local diner and then everyone had a nap!
This week we got a lot done with unpacking boxes and settling into our new house. Things are really coming together out here. Unfortunately we had some significant things damaged (home computer, Stickely jewlery box, kids trampoline, easel and others) and a few items including our silverware, Christmas ornaments, and the iron are missing. But, I have taken a few deep breaths, and got our claim submitted to the moving company so hopefully sooner than later they will send a claims adjustor out! Lillian had a great first week of school and thsi week she has a book fair and school pictures. I have also found a great pre-preschool program for William that offers a curriculum structured program with songs, arts and crafts, playing and more, 3 times a week for 2 and a half hours each day. I am super excited and when we visited he just wanted to get down and play with the kids, so I take that as a good sign!
Give me a few hours and there will be pictures under the link below! Enjoy!

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