Today Lillian is 3 1/2 years old, wow, hard to believe!! She measured at 39 inches (grown one since 3 years) and is weighing in at 31 pounds, about 2 pounds more than her one year check up. She is loving school and comes home everyday with something new she learned. William had his 18 month check-up yesterday and he is weighing in at just over 25 lbs and is 34 inches tall (grew another inch since 15 months!), that leaves him in the 90-95% for height and between the 25-50% for weight. They said he is doing great and commented on his verbal skills and all the words he can say. Overall the kids are doing great! Follow the link at the bottom for more pictures!
Where are we going???? Well, the monitor came back with 2 spots Camp Lejeune, and 1 spot Okinawa. Now, any other time we would jump at an opportunity to go out of the country, but Okinawa is not our top choice for Battery Command time because it doesn't have firing batteries, that being said, thankfully one of the other Marines who has fulfilled his command time stepped up and took the spot for Okinawa. So...that means.....while our hopes for heading some place different and new may be gone, we will be heading back to Camp Lejeune upon Bill's graduation on March 16th 2010. We are very excited about returing to our friends and familiar surroundings!!
For LOTS of pictures from Colorado, and 18 month and 3 1/2 pictures of the kids: